Don't Disturb Me When I'm Playing The Race Card!
Lo and Behold! It is now finally CLEAR to South Africa and the rest of the World that Racism is just a term that vain Race Gluttons like Ashwin Willemse, Weak Musi Maimane, and the most vile, hateful Black to enter SA politics (Used Greasy Lollipop Head-Julius Malema ) love to throw away whenever they are caught being Stupid.
A quality (being Stupid) that all three boys (ok they're grown men) share and advance with irreplaceable fervor. To the Peril, of course, of Ignorant, Delusional, Misguided and Extremely Racist SA Blacks (especially those with university degrees and government jobs) who are not only incapable of asking real questions when faced with alarming information.
Like the Mental Lepers which they truly are, these Black Race Gluttons cannot even Think on their own. Hence Racism is the only subject that stimulates them intellectually. Simply because it caters to their inherent inability to do anything worthwhile with their lives other than being Proud Victims of Colonialism and Apartheid which they have never endured.
For Race Gluttony reassures them that they are not the Intellectual Zombies they truly are. Which is a Shame indeed.
Yesterday, (Tuesday) SuperSport CEO, Gideon Khobane, announced that their findings have indicated that there was no racism involved in Ashwin Willemse walking out from an live broadcast.
Addressing the media, Khobane said:
“The conduct between Naas and Nick during the off-air conversation with Ashwin and during the live studio broadcast of the post-match commentary of the match does not manifest naked racism and was not motivated by racist considerations.”
Willemse walked off a live broadcast last month after the Lions’ 42-24 win over the Brumbies, whining like a baby devoid of bread milk, that he would not be patronised. And therefore, couldn’t work with Nick Mallett and Naas Botha who played rugby during the Apartheid segregated era.
Khobane added that Willemse did not participate in the inquiry.
“Ashwin Willemse regrettably decided not to participate in the review even though all parties involved were advised of the process before it started and raised no objections at the time.”
Why would he, when he himself knew that HE was WRONG (if not DUMB) and that the White men he accused of being Racists who benefitted from Apartheid were RIGHT?
Why would he want to prove them RIGHT AGAIN and AGAIN prove to the Word that he is just another Dumb Quota Player who thought that by zealously licking the ANC's Racist Behind. He would not emerge as the Biggest Ass (Donkey) to be Quota'd?
One can only Hope that we, SA Blacks who vigilantly see through the Bullshit [sic] would permanently rise and not be afraid.
For if the South African Black community Could be truly Liberated and Healed from our own self - inflicted Mental/Intellectual Leprosy (thanks to our relentless support for the ANC - The Modern Day Nongqawuse). A Prosperous South Africa would cease to be the distant dream that not even the deepest Political Slumber (24 years old sleep) can never us transport to.
Rise Now!
O! You Fragile Black and Apply Your Mind! No Amount of Race Cards will Save you now!
Peace, Unity and more Love!
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