I am a Black South African citizen ...✋
~ I am Going To Speak ~ Independently; I am Going to Write Freely and Democratically ! ! !
This is just a word of advice to the African National Congress government: You, as government, you are going to cause the most unbelievably "constitutional debacle" in the history of all democratic states.
You see? Your products? the "30% pass rate Matriculants" really believe you and every word you are saying... that:
~ "their land was stolen by all white people living today" ~
Fact and Truth..The Union of South Africa 1902
The British, after defeating the Boer Republics, subequently declared most Southern African lands as colonies of Great Britain; from what is now Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia and South Africa. Botswana, Swaziland and Lesotho opted to go the route of "protectorate states" of Great Britain.... sort of like the homeland bantustans under Apartheid, called "self-governing homelands" under direct control of the South African government.
Fact and Truth..The Republic of South Africa 1961....
South Africa became a Republic, but on condition it remained part of the Great Britain Commonwealth of Nations.
(covered elsewhere in my posts.)
Fact and Truth..
The Convention for a Democratic South Africa (CODESA): 1991
CODESA was a process that was influenced
by a number of stake-holders like Britain,
USA, Japan, West Germany and giant local factory and mine owners; the banks, the Nationalist Party, the ANC and other lesser forces.
The purpose of the process was to ensure
that in the long and short term, the interests
of capitalism and imperialism in Southern
Africa are safeguarded through stability.
It was a by-product of ANC officials who
had political ambitions to occupy government posts, including the presidency, those who would be duly rewarded for their co-operation with the capitalists and imperialists.
South Africa became a Democratic Republic
with a government of National Unity, under the majority rule of the African National Congress (ANC); but it also remained part of Great Britain's managed Commonwealth of Nations.
Now with the EFF misguided:
"land expropriation without compensation";
The youth are now on the rampage... invading each and every piece of land they can see, even land that is owned by other black people...
Government? You should rather be informing young black people that they should rid themselves of the view that all white people walking around South Africa today own land.
Furthermore; You yourselves as government, know this to be true..that...
Those white people who do own land today, they bought it and you, as government, you issued the "legal tender" documents called "TITLE DEEDS". Issued by the New
SA Government".
To my mind and growing up experience,
I have never come accross someone called van Riebeeck who still own land today in South Africa, since 1902..
Historical processes did take place... up to the point were you took control of the country, it's land and it's people.
You did this after adopting a 'constitution' that made this country a 'sovereign independent state'. There is nowhere in that "constitution" that states that "this land is stolen property".
If it was so? Then, you as government, could've taken that "stolen land" back from them long time ago. You controlled the police, the army the navy and the airforce.
You had a full quarter century to do so without prejudice ~ BUT if "the whites" produce and show you a "TITLE DEED" that was issued by your government.
Then frankly you don't have "a leg to stand on" in any Court of this Country and even the International Criminal Court (ICC). Unless, you can counter-produce another "TITLE DEED" that says: “"This Is Government Land.”"..
Blacks can hate me if they want to... 😣
Haibo! This is "nonsense" nje! We are gonna
be "a laughing stock" of the everybody in the international arena.
Lawrence Ntlokoa