Let me just make this clear ... I am not pointing at all black people in the country, I am informed enough to know that millions of black South Africans are working hard to make a better life for them and their children and I salute you ... this article is specifically pointed at those black racists that reveal their substandard intellect in the uninformed and purely racist posts they make.
After spending another day reading so many posts by racist black uninformed keyboard warriors ... I feel it is time to say something to them.
You should spend your data on getting yourself better informed instead of surfing Facebook and making idiotic posts.
You may feel strong and powerful when you type your hatred for whites and make threats of how you will kill us all ... but the truth is, you are an uninformed black racist that is worthless to the country.
If you are a civil servant, you are a leech that sucks up tax payers money to finance your lifestyle ... you are a consumer of wealth and not a creator of wealth. You and your fancy clothes mean nothing to the country.
That poor guy in the rural area that sits next to the road, selling wooden ornaments, or the lady selling clay pots is worth more to the country than what you will ever be ... why ... because they create wealth where you, you are a scavenger that eats the taxes that hard working people pay.
And then you turn your uninformed mind to economics and screams that you want the white businesses that is making a profit and is listed on the JSE.
Your uninformed racist mind sees the profits the company makes and you scream .... I WANT THAT ... what your uninformed racist mind do not see is the millions of jobs created and financed by that company ... millions of people that have food on their tables because of that company. No, your tiny black racist mind do not see that ... why ... because you have never worked for yourself and created wealth ... you just suck it up.
Use your data and go and get yourself informed on how many millions of jobs have already been lost because of your racist militant attitude towards business ... but I am afraid your little racist brain cannot do the maths ... why ... because while you are screaming and destroying in the streets, thousands of serious students are getting themselves educated and prepared for the challenges of the modern economy. They will be equipped to meet the demands of industry and you ... you will then one day wake up and realise ... while you were wasting your time many of your countrymen actually advanced beyond your racist little island and you are still nothing.
You scream that the whites have the majority of the JSE under their control ... what your tiny black racist intellect should actually be asking is ... WHERE ARE THE BLACK CAPITALISTS ... you blacks have the advantage of living in a society where black privilege and black entitlement is protected by law .... and yet ... most of you FAIL ... why ... Because education, work ethic and commitment cannot be redistributed.
You black racists need to wake up ... you scream Kill the Whites but your tiny black racist minds do not see that there are almost twice as much illegal immigrants in this country, than whites, protected by your black government and they suck the social services dry without ever paying a single rand of tax. In your communities they own all the small businesses and they run gangs that murder and kill your own people ... but yet ... your racist little black brain screams ... KILL THE WHITES.
I don't hate you ... because generations of hard working ancestors has taught me that hate is a wasted emotion and that I must instead of hating .... focus on working for a better life for my children.
Yes I don't hate you, I also don't want to kill you ... why ... because you and your illegal immigrant neighbors are killing yourselves.
I do feel sorry for you ... why, because the current economic climate and the drought and the wholesale corruption in government is going to make 2016 a very nasty year for consumers. You black racists will not have food on your table, you will not be able to afford it, food prices is going to eat up your income and you will have nothing left to pay for your civil servant salary lifestyle.
Your government has plunged our country into a debt pool that your racist black brain can not understand because you are uninformed. This ANC has driven our once wealthy economy to the brink of bankruptcy ... the day is coming fast that they will fail to pay the International Debt, fail to pay civil servant salaries, fail to pay social grants ... why ... because your racist and militant attitude towards businessmen is destroying the wealth creation machinery of the country and with that goes the tax revenue.
Now your racist mind may ask ... What happens when the state goes bankrupt ... well, use your data and go and look it up. When the IMF steps in to bail a country out ... the first thing they do is close the taps on expenses ... Social Grants, Civil Servants and restrictive laws that prevents economical growth. Now I am sure your little uninformed mind can see what that will mean ... apart from a huge slash in the number of civil servants, all your BEE and Affirmative Action Laws will be out of the window. If you don't believe me ... go ask the Greeks.
This is when your racist uninformed lifestyle is going to crash because suddenly you will no longer have the protection of the ANC and your neighbor that actually have the qualifications will get the job that you have, only because you got your job because you are connected.
I hope this makes you think because 2016 is going to be hell economically, Zuma has trashed our money, the ANC has trashed our economy and you ... you racist black keyboard warrior, you have trashed the future of your children.
Lastly ... do not think for one moment that when you come to kill me that it will be a one sided affair ... I will not allow you to have it all your way, I will fight and I know that many of my workers and many of your neighbors will fight with me because you are the evil scourge that only understands violence and you are the enemy of every decent person living in this country ... and trust me ... you will loose this war that you are calling for.
Now I am done ... and if any of my friends are disturbed by what I have posted here, feel free to use the UNFRIEND option, you are not bound to me by glue or chains.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Positive elements of FinMin Fiasco
South Africa was stunned by Zuma's recent Minister of Finance fiasco and the public outcry was way beyond what we have ever seen when this president makes an idiotic move.
Our country did suffer financially but there are some serious good spin-offs from this. Here are some that I see ...
Normal citizens have suddenly become aware of the fact that one man can have a profound influence on the value of our currency.
Normal citizens have suddenly realised that a weak rand does have severe consequences for their own pockets.
Normal citizens at large debated the issue without drawing irrelevant issues into it.
Then there were the fact the uninformed racist keyboard warriors got called out ... black and white. Many of them got their asses whipped severely ... again, white and black.
It was noticeable that large numbers of ANC supporters were upset by Zuma and wants him gone.
Quite a number of ANC Loyalist lost a lot of credibility when Pravin was appointed and the Rand recovered. Their supportive arguments for Zuma evaporated.
So in my opinion it was not all in vain ... Zuma did the country a favour with this reckless move and we need to capitalize on it. He exposed the normal citizens to real power a president has. This power are now being questioned by many that previously never thought about it.
That is my story today.
The president can take our food away |
Normal citizens have suddenly become aware of the fact that one man can have a profound influence on the value of our currency.
Normal citizens have suddenly realised that a weak rand does have severe consequences for their own pockets.
Normal citizens at large debated the issue without drawing irrelevant issues into it.
Then there were the fact the uninformed racist keyboard warriors got called out ... black and white. Many of them got their asses whipped severely ... again, white and black.
It was noticeable that large numbers of ANC supporters were upset by Zuma and wants him gone.
Quite a number of ANC Loyalist lost a lot of credibility when Pravin was appointed and the Rand recovered. Their supportive arguments for Zuma evaporated.
So in my opinion it was not all in vain ... Zuma did the country a favour with this reckless move and we need to capitalize on it. He exposed the normal citizens to real power a president has. This power are now being questioned by many that previously never thought about it.
That is my story today.
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Slavery, Terrorism and Islam
Adapted from Dr. Peter Hammond’s book: Slavery,
Terrorism and Islam:
Islam is not a religion, nor is it a cult. In its fullest form, it is a complete, total, 100% system of life. Islam has religious, legal, political, economic, social, and military components. The religious component is a beard
for all of the other components.
Islamization begins when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to
agitate for their religious privileges.
When politically correct, tolerant, and culturally diverse
societies agree to Muslim demands for their religious
privileges, some of the other components tend to creep in as
Here’s how it works:
As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2% in any given country, they will be for the most part be regarded as a peace-loving minority, and not as a threat to other citizens.
It is a trick.
United States — Muslim 0..6%
Australia — Muslim 1.5%
Canada — Muslim 1.9%
China — Muslim 1.8%
Italy — Muslim 1.5%
Norway — Muslim 1.8%
At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize from other ethnic
minorities and disaffected groups, often with major
recruiting from the jails and among street gangs. This is
happening in:
Denmark — Muslim 2%
Germany — Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom — Muslim 2.7%
Spain — Muslim 4%
Thailand — Muslim 4.6%
From 5% on, they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population.
For example, they will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamicstandards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for
Muslims.They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature
halal on their shelves — along with threats for failure to comply.
At this point, they will work to get the ruling government
to allow them to rule themselves (within their ghettos)
under Sharia, the Islamic Law.
The ultimate goal of Islamists is to establish Sharia law
over the entire world.
When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they tend to
increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions.
In Paris, we are already seeing car-burnings. Any non Muslim
action offends Islam, and results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam, with opposition to Mohammed cartoons
and films about Islam. Such tensions are seen daily, particularly in Muslim sections. FRANCE
After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting,
jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues.
At 40%, nations experience widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks,
From 60%, nations experience unfettered persecution of non-believers of all other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon, and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels.
After 80%, expect daily intimidation and violent jihad, some
State-run ethnic cleansing, and even some genocide, as these
nations drive out the infidels, and move toward 100% Muslim. Everyone copy and post this!
Terrorism and Islam:
Islam is not a religion, nor is it a cult. In its fullest form, it is a complete, total, 100% system of life. Islam has religious, legal, political, economic, social, and military components. The religious component is a beard
for all of the other components.
Islamization begins when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to
agitate for their religious privileges.
When politically correct, tolerant, and culturally diverse
societies agree to Muslim demands for their religious
privileges, some of the other components tend to creep in as
Here’s how it works:
As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2% in any given country, they will be for the most part be regarded as a peace-loving minority, and not as a threat to other citizens.
It is a trick.
United States — Muslim 0..6%
Australia — Muslim 1.5%
Canada — Muslim 1.9%
China — Muslim 1.8%
Italy — Muslim 1.5%
Norway — Muslim 1.8%
At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize from other ethnic
minorities and disaffected groups, often with major
recruiting from the jails and among street gangs. This is
happening in:
Denmark — Muslim 2%
Germany — Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom — Muslim 2.7%
Spain — Muslim 4%
Thailand — Muslim 4.6%
From 5% on, they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population.
For example, they will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamicstandards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for
Muslims.They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature
halal on their shelves — along with threats for failure to comply.
At this point, they will work to get the ruling government
to allow them to rule themselves (within their ghettos)
under Sharia, the Islamic Law.
The ultimate goal of Islamists is to establish Sharia law
over the entire world.
When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they tend to
increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions.
In Paris, we are already seeing car-burnings. Any non Muslim
action offends Islam, and results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam, with opposition to Mohammed cartoons
and films about Islam. Such tensions are seen daily, particularly in Muslim sections. FRANCE
After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting,
jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues.
At 40%, nations experience widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks,
From 60%, nations experience unfettered persecution of non-believers of all other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon, and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels.
After 80%, expect daily intimidation and violent jihad, some
State-run ethnic cleansing, and even some genocide, as these
nations drive out the infidels, and move toward 100% Muslim. Everyone copy and post this!
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Black Industrialists Programme: Help or handouts
From: Financial Mail
By: Sikonathi Mantshantsha and Phakmisa Ndzamela, December 03 2015, 07:14
Government’s long-awaited initiative to launch 100 major black industrial companies is expected to be unveiled next week by department of trade & industry (DTI) minister Rob Davies and his deputy, Mzwandile Masina.
The idea is to expand SA’s industrial base and change the skewed ownership and control of the economy, still largely in white hands two decades after apartheid.
It springs from President Jacob Zuma’s misgivings, expressed on various occasions over the past four years, that there are “no visible black industrialists [or] large factories or mines that are owned by black people or women”. The aim is to fund at least 100 black-owned companies, transforming them into large concerns which, in Zuma’s words, “manufacture goods the market requires”.
Government also realises SA needs to move, and fast, beyond the first wave of black economic empowerment (BEE) of the past 20 years. There have been important achievements in diversifying the economy and bringing the previously disadvantaged black population into the mainstream economy. The black middle class has grown significantly.
Early last year the African Development Bank put the number of South Africans who can be described as middle class at 19,8% of the population, or about 9,8m people. In 1993 the figure was 3,6m, of which 116000 were black. Today the black middle class numbers 4m.
But with economic growth slowing to just under 1% (annualised) in the third quarter, the ANC knows it has to crank up the growth rate — partly to keep the black middle class on side but also to improve the prospects of the poor, unemployed masses. Past successes don’t guarantee loyalty to the incumbent government forever.
While the SA economy has more than doubled since the transition to democracy, the growth rate has slowed.
In the decade since 1994, GDP growth averaged 3%/year to 2005, peaking at 5% in 2007, according to a paper by Stellenbosch University professor Stan du Plessis and Prof Ben Smit of the Bureau for Economic Research.
With mining and commodity prices in the doldrums and shedding jobs, the need to find alternatives cannot be overstated.
Government, however, puts another spin on the matter, choosing instead to term its newest initiative an attempt to redress the economic imbalances of the past. “In this context (of historical apartheid), the state has a moral obligation to creatively harness national resources towards the resolution of the historical injustice of racial, gender and class exclusion in all spheres of life,” reads a paper prepared for the DTI’s Black Industrialists indaba held earlier this year.
“In the realm of economic life, this implies the need to transform the patterns of asset ownership in a manner that reinforces the national objective of building a society that truly belongs to all who live in it,” says the document, echoing the Freedom Charter.
Countries that grow the fastest are those that include the majority of the people in the economy, says Malebo Mabitje-Thompson, deputy director-general for industrial development incentive administration at the DTI. “And for the economy to grow and create jobs, SA’s industrial sectors need to open up to include entrepreneurs who were previously disadvantaged.”
Enter the black industrialists programme.
Government has said it will set aside R1bn during its first year to fund the companies concerned. The state hopes to use its procurement muscle to give these companies a leg-up initially, says Ajay Lalu, MD of Black Lite, a consultancy that also owns a controlling stake in a photovoltaic manufacturing company.
The black industrialists framework is in the process of being gazetted, following approval by cabinet last month. Among other things it will officially define what a black industrialist is, who qualifies, how this class of business people will be chosen and which sectors will be targeted.
“The state is to use its procurement might to create something that did not exist,” says Lalu, who has played an advisory role on various BEE initiatives. His consultancy has been involved in framing the policy. “These will be the first opportunities and they will be linked to government procurement programmes and public partnership procurement programmes.”
While the R1bn may be too small to effectively facilitate a capital-intensive industry, it is just the start. “The way it has been termed is that the R1bn will grant funding to 100 companies during the first year,” says Lalu. It should be the first of many funding initiatives, he adds.
That start-up capital is expected to unlock more sustainable, co-ordinated and vastly larger sums of money, initially estimated at R10bn-R30bn from funding institutions like the Industrial Development Corp (IDC); the National Empowerment Fund (NEF); the Public Investment Corp; and commercial banks.
Of all the funding institutions, the IDC is best placed to spearhead and execute the programme. It has been at the forefront of developmental funding for 75 years, during which time it has learnt from various initiatives and gained valuable experience, says CE Geoff Qhena (see page 23).
“We have the experience and know now what did not work very well in the various past empowerment exercises,” says Qhena. Most importantly, the IDC is fulfilling its mandate as it was created by legislation to fund industrial activity, he says. “We have a long-term outlook. We are long-term investors. And this is not going be to a quick process,” says Qhena.
Economic development minister Ebrahim Patel announced in parliament in May that the IDC would set aside R23bn to fund the black industrialists programme over the next five years. In addition, the IDC has committed to fund expansionary investments by R100bn over the same period. That would go to all industry players, says Qhena.
SA’s commercial banks are also having discussions at the Financial Sector Council, a platform seeking to drive transformation in the financial services sector, on what role banks can play in the programme.
So what is the definition of a black industrialist company? How different will this programme be from the existing empowerment schemes? And how did this programme come about? There are mixed views on the genesis of the term “black industrialist” and how it came about.
In September 2011, two years into his first term as head of state, Zuma addressed a Confederation of Black Business Organisations at Eskom’s head office.
He said though many black people had penetrated various sectors of the economy since the advent of democracy, “there are no visible black industrialists ... [and] we have to develop the black industrial sector. The economy must produce authentic black entrepreneurs, who own factories and manufacture textiles, furniture, metal products or whatever the market requires.” Zuma decried the fact that BEE policies had produced a number of wealthy rent-seeking black capitalists, some of whom were passive investors, or who sit on various boards as directors, or receive hefty dividends, but have no operational experience or significant control of the businesses.
The NEF, a development finance institution created to advance the participation of black people in the economy, maintains it was one of the first to call for the development and support of black industrialists. It says that through its Strategic Projects Fund, together with local and international investors, it developed 21 strategic and industrial projects worth R32bn, with the potential to support more than 80000 jobs.
“We have been doing it and it just shows we have a lot of forward-looking people in the NEF,” says CE Philisiwe Mthethwa. The NEF, though, remains undercapitalised and will battle to play a meaningful role if resources are not allocated, she adds.
Whoever it was who first came up with the “black industrialists” idea, it has now been accepted and worked into government policy. The DTI and the Black Business Council have been working together and have developed a framework that sets the tone on the black industrialists agenda.
In its concept and policy framework, the DTI defines black industrialists as: “Black people directly involved in the origination, creation, significant ownership, management and operation of industrial enterprises that derive value from the manufacturing of goods and services at a large scale; acting to unlock the productive potential of our country’s capital assets for massive employment locally.”
The DTI and IDC documents define a black industrialist as an entity that is at least 50% owned by black participants who are also actively involved in the management and operations of a business.
The programme will pay attention to new industries, such as those that service the renewable energy sector, and opportunities that may arise from the procurement of nuclear power stations next year.
The IDC emphasises that simply owning a majority stake in an industrial business does not qualify one as a black industrialist. It wants active participation at board and operational level.
“In the past we saw that only owning stakes was not sustainable. People were still left without any operational experience after we funded them,” says Qhena.
The policy has its critics, however, who feel it is not government’s role to “legislate entrepreneurs into existence”.
Political analyst Moeletsi Mbeki says the ANC does not seem to understand how capitalism works. “I am surprised it does not understand what capitalism is. The ANC was started by a capitalist class who started businesses. They were industrialists. They did not go to Paul Kruger and say, can I set up my printing and publishing business?” The capitalist system works through innovation and is driven by individuals; it is entrepreneurs who must come up with ideas, and not government. “Governments don’t innovate, they administer,” he says.
“The idea that the ANC government can create industrialists is laughable. John Dube (founding president of the ANC) did not go to the colonialists and say, give me money to set up printers for iLanga (LaseNatal, the first Zulu newspaper in 1903).”
So how would rising black businesses overcome the challenge of access to funding and markets if government did not intervene? “We need our financial institutions, private financial institutions, to come to the party,” says Mbeki. “The public development finance institutions have a trail of politicians behind them and you have to give shares to aunts or uncles.” If entrepreneurs are not getting loans from commercial banks then this is an opportunity to set up other financial institutions, to meet the needs of the neglected entrepreneurs, he says.
The IDC’s Qhena counters the insinuation of political influence, saying the IDC has processes and policies in place to guard against influence-peddling. But more importantly: “If it is not a commercially viable idea, the IDC does not and will not fund it,” he says. The IDC’s strong balance sheet, with total net assets exceeding R120bn in the year ended March, is evidence of its strict commercial practices.
GT Ferreira, who famously co-founded FirstRand with just R10000, says he supports the principle, but a lot depends on how it is implemented. “It’s a good idea to be able to put some risk money behind people, but you’d like to see that they’ve proven themselves in even a little way first. Because not everyone can become an industrialist or entrepreneur,” he says. The trick is to find the right “filtering” mechanism to ensure that even if there are a few failures, you’ll end up with some successes.
“You need this, because to just give money to people and say, go and become an industrialist, simply won’t work. It’s never worked anywhere in the world.”
Ferreira should know — he spent a decade on the board of the IDC, both before and after democracy in 1994. “The IDC is probably the best institution to roll out that kind of plan. Also companies like Business Partners (now owned by Remgro) have been very successful,” he says.
When contacted, leading businessman Johann Rupert said he had no comment, other than to say he had never had anything but antagonism from the National Party government.
Many compare the plans to promote black industrialists to the support given by the National Party to Afrikaner businessmen. This dates back to 1939, when the Afrikaner Broederbond held an Ekonomiese Volkskongres (Economic People’s Congress) which made dramatic declarations about the need to push for Afrikaner industrialists.
At the time, future finance minister Eben Dönges said the economic plan was “to increase by tenfold the number of Afrikaner employers in commerce and industry”. By the 1960s, prime minister Hendrik Verwoerd was bragging that the Afrikaner share of the financial sector had more than doubled to 13% from 1948 to 1961. The principle was of “favouring” Afrikaner business over “English” business, mainly, while doing its best to eradicate business run or owned by blacks, coloureds or Indians.
There are questions over how the 100 black industrialists will be chosen. “The biggest threat to this scheme comes from politicians masquerading as entrepreneurs. We have to vigorously guard against that,” says Lalu.
There is concern that billions of rand in government resources will be used to dispense patronage to people who may not meet the requirements.
The DTI’s Mabitje-Thompson says the economy pays a price for the “exclusion” of people who have no access to credit opportunities. “We will have a fairly open and transparent process [and] no politician will sit in on it. This is not a government pension scheme for the rich.”
She says the black industrialists incentive programme will be run in a similar way to the DTI’s other incentive programmes, which have benefited many, including multinational automakers and other manufacturers. Those incentive schemes allocate about R5bn a year to beneficiaries in sectors such as clothing, auto and film.
Supporters of the plan are dismayed at the way the debate has unfolded and feel the criticism smacks of hypocrisy by those who do not want to advance transformation.
“Just because it’s going to benefit people who were previously excluded does not make it synonymous with patronage,” says Mabitje-Thompson.
Black Business Council vice-president Sandile Zungu says: “The worthiness of the applicant’s business, the vision and the positioning must account. If someone wants to start a shoe factory in the face of cheap imports from the East they have to be looked at with a jaundiced eye. The business advisers must be cushioned from influences that have the potential to make the black industrialists programme inefficient and a drain to resources.”
Zungu says people who are not needed are those who win state contracts, then pass it on to bigger established industrial players and simply wait for a margin without getting their hands dirty.
It is hoped that the launch of the black industrialists programme next week will answer some questions. But most importantly, it is how the programme will be executed that could determine whether SA can sustainably move to a higher gear in the growth and developmental stakes.
By: Sikonathi Mantshantsha and Phakmisa Ndzamela, December 03 2015, 07:14
Government’s long-awaited initiative to launch 100 major black industrial companies is expected to be unveiled next week by department of trade & industry (DTI) minister Rob Davies and his deputy, Mzwandile Masina.
The idea is to expand SA’s industrial base and change the skewed ownership and control of the economy, still largely in white hands two decades after apartheid.
It springs from President Jacob Zuma’s misgivings, expressed on various occasions over the past four years, that there are “no visible black industrialists [or] large factories or mines that are owned by black people or women”. The aim is to fund at least 100 black-owned companies, transforming them into large concerns which, in Zuma’s words, “manufacture goods the market requires”.
Government also realises SA needs to move, and fast, beyond the first wave of black economic empowerment (BEE) of the past 20 years. There have been important achievements in diversifying the economy and bringing the previously disadvantaged black population into the mainstream economy. The black middle class has grown significantly.
Early last year the African Development Bank put the number of South Africans who can be described as middle class at 19,8% of the population, or about 9,8m people. In 1993 the figure was 3,6m, of which 116000 were black. Today the black middle class numbers 4m.
But with economic growth slowing to just under 1% (annualised) in the third quarter, the ANC knows it has to crank up the growth rate — partly to keep the black middle class on side but also to improve the prospects of the poor, unemployed masses. Past successes don’t guarantee loyalty to the incumbent government forever.
While the SA economy has more than doubled since the transition to democracy, the growth rate has slowed.
In the decade since 1994, GDP growth averaged 3%/year to 2005, peaking at 5% in 2007, according to a paper by Stellenbosch University professor Stan du Plessis and Prof Ben Smit of the Bureau for Economic Research.
With mining and commodity prices in the doldrums and shedding jobs, the need to find alternatives cannot be overstated.
Government, however, puts another spin on the matter, choosing instead to term its newest initiative an attempt to redress the economic imbalances of the past. “In this context (of historical apartheid), the state has a moral obligation to creatively harness national resources towards the resolution of the historical injustice of racial, gender and class exclusion in all spheres of life,” reads a paper prepared for the DTI’s Black Industrialists indaba held earlier this year.
“In the realm of economic life, this implies the need to transform the patterns of asset ownership in a manner that reinforces the national objective of building a society that truly belongs to all who live in it,” says the document, echoing the Freedom Charter.
Countries that grow the fastest are those that include the majority of the people in the economy, says Malebo Mabitje-Thompson, deputy director-general for industrial development incentive administration at the DTI. “And for the economy to grow and create jobs, SA’s industrial sectors need to open up to include entrepreneurs who were previously disadvantaged.”
Enter the black industrialists programme.
Government has said it will set aside R1bn during its first year to fund the companies concerned. The state hopes to use its procurement muscle to give these companies a leg-up initially, says Ajay Lalu, MD of Black Lite, a consultancy that also owns a controlling stake in a photovoltaic manufacturing company.
The black industrialists framework is in the process of being gazetted, following approval by cabinet last month. Among other things it will officially define what a black industrialist is, who qualifies, how this class of business people will be chosen and which sectors will be targeted.
“The state is to use its procurement might to create something that did not exist,” says Lalu, who has played an advisory role on various BEE initiatives. His consultancy has been involved in framing the policy. “These will be the first opportunities and they will be linked to government procurement programmes and public partnership procurement programmes.”
While the R1bn may be too small to effectively facilitate a capital-intensive industry, it is just the start. “The way it has been termed is that the R1bn will grant funding to 100 companies during the first year,” says Lalu. It should be the first of many funding initiatives, he adds.
That start-up capital is expected to unlock more sustainable, co-ordinated and vastly larger sums of money, initially estimated at R10bn-R30bn from funding institutions like the Industrial Development Corp (IDC); the National Empowerment Fund (NEF); the Public Investment Corp; and commercial banks.
Of all the funding institutions, the IDC is best placed to spearhead and execute the programme. It has been at the forefront of developmental funding for 75 years, during which time it has learnt from various initiatives and gained valuable experience, says CE Geoff Qhena (see page 23).
“We have the experience and know now what did not work very well in the various past empowerment exercises,” says Qhena. Most importantly, the IDC is fulfilling its mandate as it was created by legislation to fund industrial activity, he says. “We have a long-term outlook. We are long-term investors. And this is not going be to a quick process,” says Qhena.
Economic development minister Ebrahim Patel announced in parliament in May that the IDC would set aside R23bn to fund the black industrialists programme over the next five years. In addition, the IDC has committed to fund expansionary investments by R100bn over the same period. That would go to all industry players, says Qhena.
SA’s commercial banks are also having discussions at the Financial Sector Council, a platform seeking to drive transformation in the financial services sector, on what role banks can play in the programme.
So what is the definition of a black industrialist company? How different will this programme be from the existing empowerment schemes? And how did this programme come about? There are mixed views on the genesis of the term “black industrialist” and how it came about.
In September 2011, two years into his first term as head of state, Zuma addressed a Confederation of Black Business Organisations at Eskom’s head office.
He said though many black people had penetrated various sectors of the economy since the advent of democracy, “there are no visible black industrialists ... [and] we have to develop the black industrial sector. The economy must produce authentic black entrepreneurs, who own factories and manufacture textiles, furniture, metal products or whatever the market requires.” Zuma decried the fact that BEE policies had produced a number of wealthy rent-seeking black capitalists, some of whom were passive investors, or who sit on various boards as directors, or receive hefty dividends, but have no operational experience or significant control of the businesses.
The NEF, a development finance institution created to advance the participation of black people in the economy, maintains it was one of the first to call for the development and support of black industrialists. It says that through its Strategic Projects Fund, together with local and international investors, it developed 21 strategic and industrial projects worth R32bn, with the potential to support more than 80000 jobs.
“We have been doing it and it just shows we have a lot of forward-looking people in the NEF,” says CE Philisiwe Mthethwa. The NEF, though, remains undercapitalised and will battle to play a meaningful role if resources are not allocated, she adds.
Whoever it was who first came up with the “black industrialists” idea, it has now been accepted and worked into government policy. The DTI and the Black Business Council have been working together and have developed a framework that sets the tone on the black industrialists agenda.
In its concept and policy framework, the DTI defines black industrialists as: “Black people directly involved in the origination, creation, significant ownership, management and operation of industrial enterprises that derive value from the manufacturing of goods and services at a large scale; acting to unlock the productive potential of our country’s capital assets for massive employment locally.”
The DTI and IDC documents define a black industrialist as an entity that is at least 50% owned by black participants who are also actively involved in the management and operations of a business.
The programme will pay attention to new industries, such as those that service the renewable energy sector, and opportunities that may arise from the procurement of nuclear power stations next year.
The IDC emphasises that simply owning a majority stake in an industrial business does not qualify one as a black industrialist. It wants active participation at board and operational level.
“In the past we saw that only owning stakes was not sustainable. People were still left without any operational experience after we funded them,” says Qhena.
The policy has its critics, however, who feel it is not government’s role to “legislate entrepreneurs into existence”.
Political analyst Moeletsi Mbeki says the ANC does not seem to understand how capitalism works. “I am surprised it does not understand what capitalism is. The ANC was started by a capitalist class who started businesses. They were industrialists. They did not go to Paul Kruger and say, can I set up my printing and publishing business?” The capitalist system works through innovation and is driven by individuals; it is entrepreneurs who must come up with ideas, and not government. “Governments don’t innovate, they administer,” he says.
“The idea that the ANC government can create industrialists is laughable. John Dube (founding president of the ANC) did not go to the colonialists and say, give me money to set up printers for iLanga (LaseNatal, the first Zulu newspaper in 1903).”
So how would rising black businesses overcome the challenge of access to funding and markets if government did not intervene? “We need our financial institutions, private financial institutions, to come to the party,” says Mbeki. “The public development finance institutions have a trail of politicians behind them and you have to give shares to aunts or uncles.” If entrepreneurs are not getting loans from commercial banks then this is an opportunity to set up other financial institutions, to meet the needs of the neglected entrepreneurs, he says.
The IDC’s Qhena counters the insinuation of political influence, saying the IDC has processes and policies in place to guard against influence-peddling. But more importantly: “If it is not a commercially viable idea, the IDC does not and will not fund it,” he says. The IDC’s strong balance sheet, with total net assets exceeding R120bn in the year ended March, is evidence of its strict commercial practices.
GT Ferreira, who famously co-founded FirstRand with just R10000, says he supports the principle, but a lot depends on how it is implemented. “It’s a good idea to be able to put some risk money behind people, but you’d like to see that they’ve proven themselves in even a little way first. Because not everyone can become an industrialist or entrepreneur,” he says. The trick is to find the right “filtering” mechanism to ensure that even if there are a few failures, you’ll end up with some successes.
“You need this, because to just give money to people and say, go and become an industrialist, simply won’t work. It’s never worked anywhere in the world.”
Ferreira should know — he spent a decade on the board of the IDC, both before and after democracy in 1994. “The IDC is probably the best institution to roll out that kind of plan. Also companies like Business Partners (now owned by Remgro) have been very successful,” he says.
When contacted, leading businessman Johann Rupert said he had no comment, other than to say he had never had anything but antagonism from the National Party government.
Many compare the plans to promote black industrialists to the support given by the National Party to Afrikaner businessmen. This dates back to 1939, when the Afrikaner Broederbond held an Ekonomiese Volkskongres (Economic People’s Congress) which made dramatic declarations about the need to push for Afrikaner industrialists.
At the time, future finance minister Eben Dönges said the economic plan was “to increase by tenfold the number of Afrikaner employers in commerce and industry”. By the 1960s, prime minister Hendrik Verwoerd was bragging that the Afrikaner share of the financial sector had more than doubled to 13% from 1948 to 1961. The principle was of “favouring” Afrikaner business over “English” business, mainly, while doing its best to eradicate business run or owned by blacks, coloureds or Indians.
There are questions over how the 100 black industrialists will be chosen. “The biggest threat to this scheme comes from politicians masquerading as entrepreneurs. We have to vigorously guard against that,” says Lalu.
There is concern that billions of rand in government resources will be used to dispense patronage to people who may not meet the requirements.
The DTI’s Mabitje-Thompson says the economy pays a price for the “exclusion” of people who have no access to credit opportunities. “We will have a fairly open and transparent process [and] no politician will sit in on it. This is not a government pension scheme for the rich.”
She says the black industrialists incentive programme will be run in a similar way to the DTI’s other incentive programmes, which have benefited many, including multinational automakers and other manufacturers. Those incentive schemes allocate about R5bn a year to beneficiaries in sectors such as clothing, auto and film.
Supporters of the plan are dismayed at the way the debate has unfolded and feel the criticism smacks of hypocrisy by those who do not want to advance transformation.
“Just because it’s going to benefit people who were previously excluded does not make it synonymous with patronage,” says Mabitje-Thompson.
Black Business Council vice-president Sandile Zungu says: “The worthiness of the applicant’s business, the vision and the positioning must account. If someone wants to start a shoe factory in the face of cheap imports from the East they have to be looked at with a jaundiced eye. The business advisers must be cushioned from influences that have the potential to make the black industrialists programme inefficient and a drain to resources.”
Zungu says people who are not needed are those who win state contracts, then pass it on to bigger established industrial players and simply wait for a margin without getting their hands dirty.
It is hoped that the launch of the black industrialists programme next week will answer some questions. But most importantly, it is how the programme will be executed that could determine whether SA can sustainably move to a higher gear in the growth and developmental stakes.
Friday, December 4, 2015
Zuma blames Jan van Riebeeck
A Brit responds to Zuma's rabble-rousing statement that all South Africa's problems started when Jan van Riebeeck landed in Cape Town 360 years ago..
Pictured: Nkandla before Van Riebeeck arrived
A Brit responded..
I know, I know... We had the same problems in England, you know...
First we had the Picts and the Scots. And then came the Romans who stuck around for about four centuries. Then we had the Angles and the Saxons and all those other Germanic tribes. Oh ho! Then came the Danes and their Viking mates, a nauseating bunch of horny helmeted rapists and looters they were.
Nevertheless, the Danes were eventually displaced by the Normans, who turned out to be Frenchmen in disguise - but we were a bit slow to recognise the fact until it was too late; anyway, they were led by the Duke of Normandy, who was a real bastard, and who gave our wimpy king a right one in the eye. (The bloody French are still hanging around with their cheese and their bread and their wine and their accordion music and their fancy restaurants, seducing our people away from our culture of slap chips with custard.)
And then, and then, came the Dutch when King William and Queen Mary of Orange popped over and started causing nonsense with the Irish at the Battle of the Boyne. The Irish have never completely forgiven us, so they came over and settled all our building sites.
Then the Germans came back again, surreptitiously, and occupied the top of the Mall in Buckingham Palace...
And where are we now...? Now we have Arabs, Pakistanis, Indians, Caribbeans, Syrians, the Oz, Italians, Americans, Canadians, Poles, Portuguese, Saudis , Kuwaitis, Moroccans, Egyptians, Iranians, Palestinians, Israeli Jews, Ethiopians, Somalis, Nigerians, Rhodesians, Scots (to run the government)... and (whoa!) South Africans...
It has been going on for two thousand years. It's an outrage...
And yet, and yet... All of these people (well most!) have contributed to make England and the English a great and democratic nation. And yet, I have never felt the slightest inclination to bomb Rome, to shatter the Pyramids, to close a Pakistani restaurant, to nuke the Ka'aba in Mecca, to blow up a bus in Jerusalem, to chop off the head of a Nigerian etc. (And even if I have, I have controlled myself from saying so.)
I have few words for Mr Zuma and his depraved ANC: Grow up, or piss off. You stand in the way of civilisation.
Pictured: Nkandla before Van Riebeeck arrived
A Brit responded..
I know, I know... We had the same problems in England, you know...
First we had the Picts and the Scots. And then came the Romans who stuck around for about four centuries. Then we had the Angles and the Saxons and all those other Germanic tribes. Oh ho! Then came the Danes and their Viking mates, a nauseating bunch of horny helmeted rapists and looters they were.
Nevertheless, the Danes were eventually displaced by the Normans, who turned out to be Frenchmen in disguise - but we were a bit slow to recognise the fact until it was too late; anyway, they were led by the Duke of Normandy, who was a real bastard, and who gave our wimpy king a right one in the eye. (The bloody French are still hanging around with their cheese and their bread and their wine and their accordion music and their fancy restaurants, seducing our people away from our culture of slap chips with custard.)
And then, and then, came the Dutch when King William and Queen Mary of Orange popped over and started causing nonsense with the Irish at the Battle of the Boyne. The Irish have never completely forgiven us, so they came over and settled all our building sites.
Then the Germans came back again, surreptitiously, and occupied the top of the Mall in Buckingham Palace...
And where are we now...? Now we have Arabs, Pakistanis, Indians, Caribbeans, Syrians, the Oz, Italians, Americans, Canadians, Poles, Portuguese, Saudis , Kuwaitis, Moroccans, Egyptians, Iranians, Palestinians, Israeli Jews, Ethiopians, Somalis, Nigerians, Rhodesians, Scots (to run the government)... and (whoa!) South Africans...
It has been going on for two thousand years. It's an outrage...
And yet, and yet... All of these people (well most!) have contributed to make England and the English a great and democratic nation. And yet, I have never felt the slightest inclination to bomb Rome, to shatter the Pyramids, to close a Pakistani restaurant, to nuke the Ka'aba in Mecca, to blow up a bus in Jerusalem, to chop off the head of a Nigerian etc. (And even if I have, I have controlled myself from saying so.)
I have few words for Mr Zuma and his depraved ANC: Grow up, or piss off. You stand in the way of civilisation.
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Suid-Afrika onder blanke beheer was ‘n reus in 1988
In 1988 het ‘n Duitser in boekvorm uitgegee hoe die Wit reus van Afrika in werklikheid gelyk het.
Ons en die wereld is ‘n rat voor die oë gedraai:
Kyk na die feite (verwysing 1988 tensy anders aangetoon):
In 1972 besit swartes in SA 360 000 voertuie. (Meer as al die swart state van Afrika saam)
Die maandelikse inkomste van swartes per kop in 1988 is R352/maand teenoor Malawi en Mosambiek met minder as R20 per maand.
In 1988 kon swart burgers ‘n ingewikkelde hartklepoperasie vir net meer as $1 ondergaan terwyl swart Amerikaners $15,000 moet betaal. In een Pretoriase hospitaal word tussen 2,000 en 3,000 van hierdie operasies per jaar gedoen.
In 1970 verdien swart arbeiders R1,751 miljoen of 25,5% van die totale loongelde in SA wat styg tot R17 ,238 miljoen in 1984 (1000% groei) en 32,3% van totale lone in SA. In die 1986/1987-boekjaar betaal blankes R9,000 miljoen belasting en die swartes R171 miljoen, Indiërs R257 miljoen en kleurlinge R315 miljoen.
Tussen 1962 en 1972 betaal die VN aan onderontwikkelde lande $298 miljoen teenoor SA wat $558 miljoen bestee aan die ontwikkeling van sy swart gebiede.
Die begrotingsbedrag vir swart onderwys styg jaarliks vanaf 1970 met bykans 30% meer as enige ander staatsdepartement.
Van 1955 tot 1984 styg die aantal swart skoliere van 35,000 tot 1,096,000 dws een-en-dertigvoudig. In 1988 kan van die volwasse swart bevolking 71% lees en skryf teenoor 47% in Kenia, 38% in Egipte, 34% in Nigerië. Daar word gemiddeld deur die jaar 15 nuwe klaskamers per werksdag vir swart skoliere gebou.
In 1985 was daar 42,000 swart studente aan SA universiteite ingeskryf.
Daar is 5 swart universiteite en 28 inrigtings vir hoër onderwys wat deur die regering gefinansier word.
Soweto met sy bevolking van 1,2 miljoen het 5 moderne sportstadions teenoor Pretoria met sy 600,000 blankes wat 3 het. Soweto het 365 skole teenoor Pretoria se 229. In Soweto in 1978 is daar 115 sokkervelde, 3 rugbyvelde, 4 atletiekbane, 11 krieketvelde, 2 gholfbane, 47 tennisbane, 7 swembaddens, 5 rolbalsale, 81 korfbalvelde, 39 kinderspeelparke en tallose gemeenskapsale, bioskope en klubhuise.
In Soweto in 1978 is daar 300 kerke, 365 skole, 2 technikons, 8 klinieke, 63 kindertuine, 11 poskantore en sy eie vrugte-en-groentemark.
In Soweto bou die blanke regering ‘n reuse hospitaal Baragwanath met 3,000 beddens. Een van die grootste en modernste ter wêreld.
Sy 23 operasieteaters is voorsien van die beste toerusting wat geld kan koop.
Hier word swartes teen ‘n nominale koste van R2 vir ‘n onbeperkte tydperk behandel, opereer en kan herstel met die onderhoudskoste gedra deur blanke belastingbetalers en dit beloop meer as die Verenigde Nasies se kleinste lidlande se totale staatshuishouding.
Die hospitaal het 8,000 mense in diens waarvan 450 voltydse dokters wat jaarliks 112,000 binnepasiënte en 1,62 miljoen buitepasiënte behandel. 90% van die bloed word deur blankes geskenk.
In 1982 is nie minder nie as 898 hartoperasies hier gedoen.
Langs die Baragwantha-hospitaal is die St. John-oogkliniek, wêreldberoemd weens die behandeling van gloukoom, losgaande retinas, traumatiese oogbeserings en seldsame tropiese siektes.
Daar is in Soweto meer as 2,300 geregistreerde firmas, 1,000 taxi-ondernemers en 50,000 motoreienaars.
Dr Kenneth Walker, ‘n Kanadese arts, besoek Soweto en meld die volgende waarnemings:
* Hy sien verskeie huise wat meer as R100,000 sou kos om te bou met verskeie BMW’s voor die deur.
* Net 2% van die huise is krotte met die res wat netjiese geboue met grasperke is. As hy moes kies tussen die vervalle woonstelle van New York, Detroit of Chicago dan bly hy eerder in Soweto.
* Hy word veel eerder siek in Soweto as in sommige Kanadese stede.
* Hy sê die stad het meer skole, kerke, motors, taxi’s en sportvelde as menige onafhanklike Afrikastate.
Die regering bou 5,000 huise per maand en stel wonings beskikbaar aan 92% swartes.
In 1978 bou die SA regering ‘n hoogs moderne hospital MEDUNSA op die grens van die onafhanklike staat Bophuthatswana teen R70 miljoen op 35 ha. In hierdie “stad”-in-die-kleine is daar woon- en slaapgeriewe vir manlike en vroulike studente waar swart dokters, tandartse, veeartse en para-mediese personeel opgelei word. Dit is die enigste gespesialiseerde universiteit van sy soort in Afrika en een van die weiniges in die wêreld gefinansier deur blanke belastingbetalers tot voordeel van uitsluitlik swartes. Feitlik alle studente wat hoofsaaklik uit die nasionale swart state kom se koste word deur die blanke regering gedra.
Die praktiese opleiding vind in die nabygelee Garankuwa-hospitaal plaas waar die hele spektrum van menslike kwale behandel word.
Garankuwa het fasiliteite vir nieroorplantings, isotope-eenhede, met gespesialiseerde laboratoriums waar 200 dokters jaarliks prakties opgelei word.
Sien die nakomelinge van die Boerepioniere – die blanke Afrikaners soos ons onsself noem het binne 300 jaar aan die suidpunt van Afrika ‘n modelstaat gebou met ‘n bykans Europese karakter en die grootste ekonomiese en militêre mag in Afrika. Doer ver onder aan die suidpunt die verste weg van al die Afrikastate vanaf die model Europa. Met Europa net om die draai van Noord-Afrika.
SA se ekonomiese betekenis vir die lande suid van die ewenaar is so groot dat sou SA verdwyn, sterf miljoene in buurlande van die honger.
In 1985 is daar 37 diesellokomotiewe, 40 stoomlokomotiewe aan buurlande geleen waar daar daagliks 6195 SAVD-goederewaens loop teenoor 944 in SA self.
SA lei die bemannings op vir die lugrederye van Swaziland, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zaïre en die Comores.
In 1979 toe die treinverkeer na die Malawiese hoofstad Lilongwe deur rebelle onderbreek is, lewer die SA transportvliegtuie brandstof in dromme af om hulle ekonomie aan die gang te hou.
In 1986 besoek 80 000 swart sakemanne uit Afrika Kaapstad om handelstransaksies te beklink.
SA voorsien in die graanbehoeftes van sy buurlande en wyer. In 1980 ontvang Zambië 250 000 ton mielies, Mosambiek 150 000 ton mielies en 50 000 ton koring, Kenia 128 000 ton mielies en Zimbabwe 100 000 ton. Verder ontvang ook Angola, Ivoorkus, Malawi, Mauritius, Tanzanië en Zaïre SA graan. Minstens 12 state van Afrika is volgens die “Argus African News Service” so afhanklik van SA graan dat ‘n totale verbod op in- en uitvoer hulle ekonomies sal vernietig.
Ongeveer die helfte van Lesotho se manlike bevolking werk in SA, nl. 146 000 in 1983 en verdien R280,6 miljoen wat ongeveer die helfte van Lesotho se staatskas uitmaak.
In die sestigerjare tree 53 staatsamptenare van SA in raadgewende hoedanigheid in ons buurlande op nl. Lesotho, Malawi, Swaziland, Mosambiek en Botswana.
In 1983 stel SA 1 213 raadgewers beskibaar vir ‘n onbepaalde tyd aan die 4 tuislande.
In die 1982/83 boekjaar begroot SA vir R434 miljoen se hulp aan sy onafhanklike buurstate.
As mens die ontwikkelingsprogram vir die selfregerende state binne SA byreken, beloop die blanke belastingbetalers van SA se hulp mee as R1 miljard. Per kop gereken ‘n absolute wereldrekord.
SA produseer meer elektriese energie as Italië, net soveel ru-staal as Frankryk, meer koring as Kanada, meer wol as die VSA, meer wyn as Griekeland en meer vis as Groot Brittanje.
SA treine loop op meer spoorlyne as Wes-Duitsland s’n, vervoer meer passasiers as Switserland, het ‘n beter stiptelikheidsrekord as Oostenryk, en voer motoronderdele uit na 100 lande.
SA myne boor tot die diepte van 3,480 meter en hou die rekord vir die diepste loodregte skag nl. 2 498m diep in van die hardste rots ter wêreld.
SASOL staan aan die voorpunt van brandstoftegnologie uit steenkool en deel hul kennis met Duitsland, die VSA en Japan.
Die nakomelinge van die eerste blanke intrekkers asook latere Britse, Duitse, Portugese, Nederlandse, Franse en Griekse immigrante beloop tans 4,8 miljoen en het aan die suidpunt van Afrika ‘n supermoondheid geword.
Hervorming deur die afskaffing van verbode toegang vir nie-blankes vind voortdurend plaas. Treintoegang 1985, bioskope 1985, gemengde huwelike 1985, ens.
PW Botha die president se woorde: “Hoe meer hervorming ons deurvoer, hoe meer word ons verdoem. Hoe meer ons wegbeweeg van apartheid des te woedender word die internasionale kampanje teen ons…”
Ons word aangekla deur die wêreld dat ons ‘n polisiestaat is:
In SA is 1,4 polisiemanne vir elke 1,000 mense terwyl die wêreld soos volg lyk: Groot Brittanje 2,2, Israel 3,5, New York 4,3, en Moskou 10 per 1000. In SA is daar 16,292 Blanke polisiemanne teenoor 19,177 nie-blankes.
Ons word daarvan aangekla dat ons politieke ootreders vermoor:
In 1979-1980 is daatr géén sterfgeval in SA tronke nie. In die vorige 10 jaar sterf daar 37 wat in ondersoekarres is teenoor 274 in dieselfde tydperk in Wallis en Engeland.
Ons word aangekla dat ons hongerlone betaal:
In 1974 is die gemiddelde maandelikse inkomste van swart arbeiders in SA $127 teenoor die $140 van die VSA wat die rykste land ter wêreld is, ‘n kortkop agter.
In 1988 vergelyk ons lone soos volg: 1kg rys in Johannesburg verteenwoordig 12 minute se loon teenoor 54 minute in Moskou. 750ml plantolie: 38 minute in SA teenoor 118 minute in Moskou. Dit is ‘n swart werker in SA teenoor ‘n blanke in Moskou.
Ons word aangekla dat ons duisende politieke gevangenes opsluit:
In 1983 is daar 127 sulke gevangenes in SA asook 11 wie se bewegings beperk is en verder 32 in huisarres.
Ons land: “Die skatkamer van die wêreld” is gesteel.
Dink weer voor jy jouself ‘n lojale ondersteuner van die vernietigende nuwe SA noem.
Ons en die wereld is ‘n rat voor die oë gedraai:
Kyk na die feite (verwysing 1988 tensy anders aangetoon):
In 1972 besit swartes in SA 360 000 voertuie. (Meer as al die swart state van Afrika saam)
Die maandelikse inkomste van swartes per kop in 1988 is R352/maand teenoor Malawi en Mosambiek met minder as R20 per maand.
In 1988 kon swart burgers ‘n ingewikkelde hartklepoperasie vir net meer as $1 ondergaan terwyl swart Amerikaners $15,000 moet betaal. In een Pretoriase hospitaal word tussen 2,000 en 3,000 van hierdie operasies per jaar gedoen.
In 1970 verdien swart arbeiders R1,751 miljoen of 25,5% van die totale loongelde in SA wat styg tot R17 ,238 miljoen in 1984 (1000% groei) en 32,3% van totale lone in SA. In die 1986/1987-boekjaar betaal blankes R9,000 miljoen belasting en die swartes R171 miljoen, Indiërs R257 miljoen en kleurlinge R315 miljoen.
Tussen 1962 en 1972 betaal die VN aan onderontwikkelde lande $298 miljoen teenoor SA wat $558 miljoen bestee aan die ontwikkeling van sy swart gebiede.
Die begrotingsbedrag vir swart onderwys styg jaarliks vanaf 1970 met bykans 30% meer as enige ander staatsdepartement.
Van 1955 tot 1984 styg die aantal swart skoliere van 35,000 tot 1,096,000 dws een-en-dertigvoudig. In 1988 kan van die volwasse swart bevolking 71% lees en skryf teenoor 47% in Kenia, 38% in Egipte, 34% in Nigerië. Daar word gemiddeld deur die jaar 15 nuwe klaskamers per werksdag vir swart skoliere gebou.
In 1985 was daar 42,000 swart studente aan SA universiteite ingeskryf.
Daar is 5 swart universiteite en 28 inrigtings vir hoër onderwys wat deur die regering gefinansier word.
Soweto met sy bevolking van 1,2 miljoen het 5 moderne sportstadions teenoor Pretoria met sy 600,000 blankes wat 3 het. Soweto het 365 skole teenoor Pretoria se 229. In Soweto in 1978 is daar 115 sokkervelde, 3 rugbyvelde, 4 atletiekbane, 11 krieketvelde, 2 gholfbane, 47 tennisbane, 7 swembaddens, 5 rolbalsale, 81 korfbalvelde, 39 kinderspeelparke en tallose gemeenskapsale, bioskope en klubhuise.
In Soweto in 1978 is daar 300 kerke, 365 skole, 2 technikons, 8 klinieke, 63 kindertuine, 11 poskantore en sy eie vrugte-en-groentemark.
In Soweto bou die blanke regering ‘n reuse hospitaal Baragwanath met 3,000 beddens. Een van die grootste en modernste ter wêreld.
Sy 23 operasieteaters is voorsien van die beste toerusting wat geld kan koop.
Hier word swartes teen ‘n nominale koste van R2 vir ‘n onbeperkte tydperk behandel, opereer en kan herstel met die onderhoudskoste gedra deur blanke belastingbetalers en dit beloop meer as die Verenigde Nasies se kleinste lidlande se totale staatshuishouding.
Die hospitaal het 8,000 mense in diens waarvan 450 voltydse dokters wat jaarliks 112,000 binnepasiënte en 1,62 miljoen buitepasiënte behandel. 90% van die bloed word deur blankes geskenk.
In 1982 is nie minder nie as 898 hartoperasies hier gedoen.
Langs die Baragwantha-hospitaal is die St. John-oogkliniek, wêreldberoemd weens die behandeling van gloukoom, losgaande retinas, traumatiese oogbeserings en seldsame tropiese siektes.
Daar is in Soweto meer as 2,300 geregistreerde firmas, 1,000 taxi-ondernemers en 50,000 motoreienaars.
Dr Kenneth Walker, ‘n Kanadese arts, besoek Soweto en meld die volgende waarnemings:
* Hy sien verskeie huise wat meer as R100,000 sou kos om te bou met verskeie BMW’s voor die deur.
* Net 2% van die huise is krotte met die res wat netjiese geboue met grasperke is. As hy moes kies tussen die vervalle woonstelle van New York, Detroit of Chicago dan bly hy eerder in Soweto.
* Hy word veel eerder siek in Soweto as in sommige Kanadese stede.
* Hy sê die stad het meer skole, kerke, motors, taxi’s en sportvelde as menige onafhanklike Afrikastate.
Die regering bou 5,000 huise per maand en stel wonings beskikbaar aan 92% swartes.
In 1978 bou die SA regering ‘n hoogs moderne hospital MEDUNSA op die grens van die onafhanklike staat Bophuthatswana teen R70 miljoen op 35 ha. In hierdie “stad”-in-die-kleine is daar woon- en slaapgeriewe vir manlike en vroulike studente waar swart dokters, tandartse, veeartse en para-mediese personeel opgelei word. Dit is die enigste gespesialiseerde universiteit van sy soort in Afrika en een van die weiniges in die wêreld gefinansier deur blanke belastingbetalers tot voordeel van uitsluitlik swartes. Feitlik alle studente wat hoofsaaklik uit die nasionale swart state kom se koste word deur die blanke regering gedra.
Die praktiese opleiding vind in die nabygelee Garankuwa-hospitaal plaas waar die hele spektrum van menslike kwale behandel word.
Garankuwa het fasiliteite vir nieroorplantings, isotope-eenhede, met gespesialiseerde laboratoriums waar 200 dokters jaarliks prakties opgelei word.
Sien die nakomelinge van die Boerepioniere – die blanke Afrikaners soos ons onsself noem het binne 300 jaar aan die suidpunt van Afrika ‘n modelstaat gebou met ‘n bykans Europese karakter en die grootste ekonomiese en militêre mag in Afrika. Doer ver onder aan die suidpunt die verste weg van al die Afrikastate vanaf die model Europa. Met Europa net om die draai van Noord-Afrika.
SA se ekonomiese betekenis vir die lande suid van die ewenaar is so groot dat sou SA verdwyn, sterf miljoene in buurlande van die honger.
In 1985 is daar 37 diesellokomotiewe, 40 stoomlokomotiewe aan buurlande geleen waar daar daagliks 6195 SAVD-goederewaens loop teenoor 944 in SA self.
SA lei die bemannings op vir die lugrederye van Swaziland, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zaïre en die Comores.
In 1979 toe die treinverkeer na die Malawiese hoofstad Lilongwe deur rebelle onderbreek is, lewer die SA transportvliegtuie brandstof in dromme af om hulle ekonomie aan die gang te hou.
In 1986 besoek 80 000 swart sakemanne uit Afrika Kaapstad om handelstransaksies te beklink.
SA voorsien in die graanbehoeftes van sy buurlande en wyer. In 1980 ontvang Zambië 250 000 ton mielies, Mosambiek 150 000 ton mielies en 50 000 ton koring, Kenia 128 000 ton mielies en Zimbabwe 100 000 ton. Verder ontvang ook Angola, Ivoorkus, Malawi, Mauritius, Tanzanië en Zaïre SA graan. Minstens 12 state van Afrika is volgens die “Argus African News Service” so afhanklik van SA graan dat ‘n totale verbod op in- en uitvoer hulle ekonomies sal vernietig.
Ongeveer die helfte van Lesotho se manlike bevolking werk in SA, nl. 146 000 in 1983 en verdien R280,6 miljoen wat ongeveer die helfte van Lesotho se staatskas uitmaak.
In die sestigerjare tree 53 staatsamptenare van SA in raadgewende hoedanigheid in ons buurlande op nl. Lesotho, Malawi, Swaziland, Mosambiek en Botswana.
In 1983 stel SA 1 213 raadgewers beskibaar vir ‘n onbepaalde tyd aan die 4 tuislande.
In die 1982/83 boekjaar begroot SA vir R434 miljoen se hulp aan sy onafhanklike buurstate.
As mens die ontwikkelingsprogram vir die selfregerende state binne SA byreken, beloop die blanke belastingbetalers van SA se hulp mee as R1 miljard. Per kop gereken ‘n absolute wereldrekord.
SA produseer meer elektriese energie as Italië, net soveel ru-staal as Frankryk, meer koring as Kanada, meer wol as die VSA, meer wyn as Griekeland en meer vis as Groot Brittanje.
SA treine loop op meer spoorlyne as Wes-Duitsland s’n, vervoer meer passasiers as Switserland, het ‘n beter stiptelikheidsrekord as Oostenryk, en voer motoronderdele uit na 100 lande.
SA myne boor tot die diepte van 3,480 meter en hou die rekord vir die diepste loodregte skag nl. 2 498m diep in van die hardste rots ter wêreld.
SASOL staan aan die voorpunt van brandstoftegnologie uit steenkool en deel hul kennis met Duitsland, die VSA en Japan.
Die nakomelinge van die eerste blanke intrekkers asook latere Britse, Duitse, Portugese, Nederlandse, Franse en Griekse immigrante beloop tans 4,8 miljoen en het aan die suidpunt van Afrika ‘n supermoondheid geword.
Hervorming deur die afskaffing van verbode toegang vir nie-blankes vind voortdurend plaas. Treintoegang 1985, bioskope 1985, gemengde huwelike 1985, ens.
PW Botha die president se woorde: “Hoe meer hervorming ons deurvoer, hoe meer word ons verdoem. Hoe meer ons wegbeweeg van apartheid des te woedender word die internasionale kampanje teen ons…”
Ons word aangekla deur die wêreld dat ons ‘n polisiestaat is:
In SA is 1,4 polisiemanne vir elke 1,000 mense terwyl die wêreld soos volg lyk: Groot Brittanje 2,2, Israel 3,5, New York 4,3, en Moskou 10 per 1000. In SA is daar 16,292 Blanke polisiemanne teenoor 19,177 nie-blankes.
Ons word daarvan aangekla dat ons politieke ootreders vermoor:
In 1979-1980 is daatr géén sterfgeval in SA tronke nie. In die vorige 10 jaar sterf daar 37 wat in ondersoekarres is teenoor 274 in dieselfde tydperk in Wallis en Engeland.
Ons word aangekla dat ons hongerlone betaal:
In 1974 is die gemiddelde maandelikse inkomste van swart arbeiders in SA $127 teenoor die $140 van die VSA wat die rykste land ter wêreld is, ‘n kortkop agter.
In 1988 vergelyk ons lone soos volg: 1kg rys in Johannesburg verteenwoordig 12 minute se loon teenoor 54 minute in Moskou. 750ml plantolie: 38 minute in SA teenoor 118 minute in Moskou. Dit is ‘n swart werker in SA teenoor ‘n blanke in Moskou.
Ons word aangekla dat ons duisende politieke gevangenes opsluit:
In 1983 is daar 127 sulke gevangenes in SA asook 11 wie se bewegings beperk is en verder 32 in huisarres.
Ons land: “Die skatkamer van die wêreld” is gesteel.
Dink weer voor jy jouself ‘n lojale ondersteuner van die vernietigende nuwe SA noem.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Causality unmasks the militia - The ANC betrays the cause
I found this post on the COPE Facebook DB and it is too valuable to get lost ... every South African should read this.
It is important to note that this written in 2008 and what he says about the ANC at that stage has mushroomed today ... that makes this piece even more relevant.
TAKE NOTE ... he uses the word Causality and it is not CASUAL but refers to CAUSE.
It was posted by Zandisile Mabuya on December 7, 2008 at 10:49pm
Causality unmasks the militia - The ANC betrays the cause
I have often questioned the reason for my existence: do I owe my being to the consummation of love or had my existence been pre-determined by a higher order. If my existence was preordained then the consummation of love is just a conduit through which destiny is brought to life and is thus the foundation of one’s pre-determined fate. The answer to my question may appear to be inconsequential to some, but it is actually this answer that has the potential to dislodge the very foundations on which life is based. It dawned on me that the reason for origination determines purpose (destination and continued relevance) or the lack thereof.
The answer to this fundamental question is applicable to all facets of life: a cause precedes and fuels purpose. If you believe in God, then the reason for your creation (birth) was sparked by a cause, which then established your purpose (mission) in life. If the idea of a ‘Creator’ fails to find a home in your psyche, then your purpose is determined as you ransack through life. I do not know why but I am somewhat unsettled by the idea of a mission statement that gets written and re-drafted on a daily basis. I suppose, if you believe that life is a lesson then this would hold true. Whatever is amassed from this lesson should be of use somewhere. If life is a lesson, then where/when do I get to apply what I have learnt? Learning can never be one’s purpose unless the after-life is one big exam.
The change in the local political environment and the arrogant way the ruling party has dealt with this change has led me to ask: which came first: the ANC or the struggle? In essence, I am asking which of the two is the cause? For it is the cause we must stay true to, for it is non-evolving, albeit finite in its existence. The latter is the most pertinent to our discussion, but not superior. When a cause ceases to exist the vehicle through which such a cause was advanced loses relevance and must therefore also cease to exist. Such vehicles are normally created for only one purpose: to further a specific cause. So why should they outlive the cause?
I am not one to dwell too much on the past as I believe it is forward thinking that propels life. But at times where you lose sight of the vision you need to trace the premise, for it is in the origination that destination is determined. I may have taken a long path to illustrate what many have known all your lives that the oppression a people is the cause that led to resistance movements, in various forms. The formation of liberation movements is one such form. If the formation of one-of-many liberation movements is a just a type of resistance, then such a liberation movement cannot lay sole claim to the cause. Even though our struggle gave birth to liberation movements, such formations have many other siblings, and all these other siblings should be allowed to cuddle up to their bearer, the cause. Most importantly the cause should not be used to hold its missionaries (and its beneficiaries) at ransom. That is like a brother using the death of a parent as a control mechanism over his siblings.
COPE owes its name to a historic event, the coming together of people from different organization for one common cause. It was a congregation of the people of South Africa in Kliptown, as represented by the various liberation movements, the Congress Alliance (ANC, Coloured People’s Congress, South African Indian Congress and the Congress of the Democrats). From this convention the Freedom Charter was born, which became the spine with which many of our institutions of democracy are strengthened. One such institution is our constitution. The ANC was not the sole constituent of the Congress Alliance, why should it then use this collective effort of soolidarity (being the congregation that gave birth to the spine of our freedom) to stifle the magnification of one of the most important revolutionary gains: democracy. Formation of new political homes should be celebrated, for nothing entrenches democracy than the enhancement of choice.
The unwavering resistance against apartheid led to the emancipation of a people. It was not only the card carrying members of a movement that advanced the cause, but all those that were courageous enough to depose a master imposed on them. Because it was the collective effort of sometimes dissenting opinions that ‘freed’ us, we owe it to them to be tolerant of each other. For a solidified and unified approach to the deliverance of ‘a better life for all’ we must allow for differing ideas, which can be morphed into a cohesive force.
The cause has been fulfilled
The ANC is a liberation movement, whose sole purpose was to be the banner under which apartheid would be annihilated. The collective effort of those who were opposed to apartheid (including foreign support) succeeded in the obliteration of the divisive and oppressive apartheid system, therefore the cause was fulfilled. Shouldn’t the liberation movements cease to exist and make way for new formations with a new mandate, which is governance? Discarding liberation movements does not equate to the betrayal of the cause (and our history), especially where the cause has run its full course. Those who perceive my question to be counter-revolutionary are probably asking: should we just discard all the heritage and goodwill of the ANC brand?
The age of compromise, which we now find ourselves in, would suggest that the goodwill of the liberation movements be preserved by transforming these organizations into modern and governance-inclined formations. The revolutionary, and sometimes militant, rhetoric spewed by cadres of the ANC suggests that the beleaguered ruling party has failed to transform into these modern organizations.
More importantly, the organization’s insistence in holding on to an archaic, yet understandably sentimental cause has resulted in the ANC losing touch with the populace (which has moved on to embrace its aspirations). The age of non-accountability, mediocrity and exclusivity in power is no more. The somewhat miraculous election of Barack Husain Obama into the ‘highest office in the world’ is a display by the world that change is needed all over. The continent’s tolerance of mediocrity and ‘hypnotic’ populist rhetoric has seen it descend into the pits of shame.
Instead of focusing on the deliverance of ‘a better life for all’ liberation movements all over Africa, ANC included, use the yesteryear struggle to emotionally blackmail people to turn a blind eye to the plunder of state resources, corruption in other words. It is for this reason that in Africa it is not the best sportsmen or best business pioneers that are the wealthiest, but it is those with influence in the highest of echelons of ruling party.
Then there is also the matter of rewarding incompetent (unqualified) comrades with critical government positions or ‘lucrative’ service delivery tenders. Those in the know, where wildlife is concerned, profess that a herd of buffaloes can only move as fast as its slowest buffalo (The Buffalo Theory). Therefore if this reward system, as elicited by the party list system, leaves incompetent comrades in of charge of the development of our country, then the rate of development will be as slow as they think. Why? Because the slowest ‘buffaloes’, not the best ones, are running the show. This is not surprising. Liberation movements were never formed to govern or, better yet, they were never formed to improve the lives of the masses. They were formed to eradicate oppression (in all its forms). Governance and service delivery are new causes, which require new organizations to effect them.
The ANC and COPE have at least one thing in common
The Congress of the People (COPE) has been labeled a formation of sore losers, with the founders’ faction having lost at the Polokwane ANC conference to the ‘once disciplined’ militia. The labeling insinuates that COPE is a party formed out of frustration and anger. To this I ask: which liberation movement was not formed out of these emotions or state of mind? The establishment/formation of all liberation movements was catalysed by anger and frustration. To advise the people otherwise is an insult to, not only their intelligence, but also to the collective efforts of many to restore the people’s dignity. Dignity cannot be restored without acknowledging the anger and aggravation experienced during the debasing of such dignity.
People’s guilt is played on by trashing their loyalty of those who leave the ANC to the fulfilled cause. They are called (disloyal) ill-disciplined cadres. What is a disciplined cadre? I thought membership of the ANC was voluntary; therefore one is free to terminate such membership (without fear of intimidation or persecution).
The new ANC leadership’s tactics are a betrayal of the cause, therefore are counter-revolutionary. by opportunistically using the ignorance of its followers (and those blinded by a need for salvation) the ANC has displayed great disregard for the sensibility of man. There will come a time when we will no longer be able to tolerate the drivel and a new revolution will have been spawned. This one will not only be televised, it will be quick and painful. The unruly cannot be allowed to define us.
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